Chicago Erb’s Palsy Attorney Archives - John C. Wunsch, P.C.
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The Wunsch Law Blog

The Root Causes: Exploring the Origins of Cerebral Palsy and Erb’s Palsy

Cerebral palsy and Erb’s palsy are two types of birth injuries that can have a significant impact on a child’s life. If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy or Erb’s palsy, it is important to understand the causes, symptoms, and treatment options available. Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that affects muscle control […]

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Walls and Windows

Dense, crowded with facts and rules, appellate decisions at times have hidden meanings. What those meanings imply––well, that’s the task of interpretation. At face value a sentence or paragraph may seem relatively simple. But what lurks beyond? “For all the great texts have esoteric significance, he believed and taught…” writes Saul Bellow in Ravelstein. Ascertaining […]

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It’s All in the Gaze

What makes a witness trustworthy? Why are some witnesses believed and others not? Standard responses would be: “Someone who has the ability to perceive events accurately.” “Someone who is unbiased.” “Someone who is an authority in their field.” “Someone whose facts and opinions are corroborated by other evidence.” Etc. These are commonly asserted, but there […]

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Mechanics of the Ideal

Small differences work to create significant change over time since they’re manageable, achievable, well within reach. Considered inconsequential at the outset, they become consequential. They’re additive, causing gradual change, incremental slight improvements, easily undervalued, ultimately producing great value. Any large undertaking––no matter what area––is best divided up into smaller, easily-managed segments. Think small. An airline […]

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Unmasking the Third Face

The Japanese say you have three faces: the first, you show to the world; the second, you show to your family and friends—and the third, you never show to anyone. It seems clear that in a lawsuit all witnesses voluntarily permit only their first face to be revealed. The first face is that which is […]

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Nature Exposed to Our Method of Questioning

One would think that merely observing something would not work a change in that which is being observed. But scientists have long known of “the observer effect.” This refers to changes and alterations that the act of observation makes on that which is being observed. The observer mistakenly believes that his observations, and the information […]

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