Whiplash and the Ascending Reticular Activating System
It’s probably a safe generalization to assert that whiplash injuries caused by rear-end car accidents are typically undervalued. No matter what symptoms the patient presents with the diagnosis is misleadingly termed a “soft tissue” injury that “should resolve completely in six to eight weeks.” A new and growing body of medical literature sheds light on […]
Recognizing Secondary Trauma
In recent years, a growing body of medical literature has established that severe trauma to one family member can result in a phenomenon known as “secondary traumatization”––post-traumatic symptoms exhibited by the other family members, particularly children, of those harmed. “During the past few decades, studies have shown that individuals in the trauma survivor’s close proximity […]
Seeking Out the Absurd
The notion that “serious” results can only originate from “serious” thinking needs to be revised. Many breakthrough ideas, providing workable solutions to intractable problems, can be arrived at via distinctly unorthodox means. The Absurd. Problems that admit of no simple solution––too often they’re examined rationally, logically. But what if these problems were seen as an […]
Verbal Persuasion and the Observer-Expectancy Effect
How we speak to others makes all the difference. Not only our words, but our tone, body language, attitude, demeanor, and level of formality all play a role. As we speak, we’re influencing others. “Pardon me, could you please direct me to Michigan Avenue?” (said politely to a stranger on the street) differs from “Where’s […]
Litigation Strategy and the Einstellung Effect
Those who handle accident cases are routinely called upon to answer a simple question: how can we establish through admissible evidence that our side of the case should prevail? Each case we accept can be seen as a new and previously untested problem that requires certain steps to be taken before a successful outcome can […]