The Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice Requiring a Medical Malpractice Attorney Chicago
Medical malpractice is a serious issue that can have devastating consequences for patients and their families. When medical professionals fail to provide the standard of care that is expected of them, they may be guilty of medical malpractice. While there are many different types of medical malpractice, some are more common than others. In this […]
Understanding Amusement Park Accidents and Deaths
Understanding Amusement Park Accidents and Deaths Amusement Park Accidents – Amusement parks are popular destinations for families and thrill-seekers alike. These parks offer a wide range of attractions that promise excitement and adventure. However, with the fun also comes the risk of accidents and injuries. In this blog, we will explore the issue of amusement […]
Each New Form Repeats
A skeptical mind takes in ideas and information but seeks out alternative sources of proof. A closed mind applies a negative filter without first assessing. Reliance on what’s shown to exist and what likely exists is typical, but reliance on what should exist implicates a different form of reasoning. Legal arguments are most effective when […]
Solution First, Then Problem
There are easy solutions––and there are difficult ones. Merely because one has chosen a difficult solution to a problem does not work to confer an advantage. The result’s the same. So, what are some methods to help find an easier way? Leverage. Using a fulcrum, a small weight can leverage a far greater weight. Ask: […]
Picking the Ring
Two people, or groups of people, are in direct conflict with one another. The first has a distinct set of advantages the other does not possess, say, a certain skill set particularly well suited for prevailing in one particular contest. The second has another set of advantages the other does not possess. The trouble, however, […]
Navigating the Maze
All human–created systems––e.g., educational, economic, legal––have a design. These design characteristics vary, with some aspects being welcoming, beneficial; other aspects, not so much. We tend to focus on design flaws because of how easily they intrude into our consciousness and make themselves known. A maze is a path or collection of paths, typically from an entrance […]
Unlocking the Door
To unlock a door, there’s a single key––specifically cut, shaped, and contoured to fit an exact specification. All other conjectures and approximations, even if razor-thin close, will simply not work. Exerting additional force, pressing strongly back and forth, forcefully twisting and turning––a complete waste of time. Winning arguments, tailor made to fit the specific case, […]
Washing the Floor…With Gasoline
The problem with just about any set of facts is that it quickly becomes complex, resistant to being easily encapsulated. The gasoline station was managed by Elward Hudson, who, approximately one year before the accident, leased the station and certain equipment from the Defendant. One of the duties assigned to the Plaintiff by Hudson was […]
Pain and Prayer
Can pain be modulated by prayer? Some, perhaps many, will immediately reach for the words “placebo effect” and leave the matter at that. Others have investigated the phenomenon. Belief in something greater, something infinitely larger and more powerful––there’s more to this than can be easily explained. It has to do with tapping into a power […]
Clarity and Inconsistency
Misread signals, miscommunication, divergent interpretations––the disconnect between the speaker’s message and the listener’s response. Any number of reasons might explain this. Comprehension. The listener does not understand what’s being expressed. It could be the terminology being used is tied to a particular specialty. It could be the message itself expresses a thought foreign to the […]